
Moritz Pisk
ifk Junior Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. October 2018 bis 30. June 2019

Fellow Abroad

01. August 2019 bis 29. February 2020

  1. August bis 30. September 2019:

am Pop Archiv der Universität Münster

  1. Oktober 2019 bis 29. Februar 2020:

an der Abteilung „Theorie und Geschichte der populären Musik“

der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



Technology — Music — Body. The interplay of technical and aesthetic innovation in pop


The dissertation project focuses on the omnipresence of technology in pop musical processes.The aim is to pursue the aesthetic articulations and translations of technical innovations in pop, to analyze their influence on musical and political events; and to formulate a theory of the interplay of technical and aesthetic innovation. The focus of the project’s material-related analysis is on computer-influenced pop, starting approximately with the end of the 1980’s, and extending into the future. The project is geared towards selected pop musical protagonists, and uses these case studies to navigate through the fluid and ever-new network Pop.


Moritz Pisk studied Information Design at FH Joanneum in Graz and completed the Master’s Program Media Culture and Art Theories at the University of Art and Design Linz in 2016. He worked as a student assistant at the Department of Cultural Studies from 2014 to 2017 and co-organized the festival Zukunftsmusik in 2016. In 2018, he worked and taught as a research assistant at the at the University of Art and Design Linz, where he also is a Ph.D.candidate, researching into the interplay of technical and aesthetic innovation in pop since 2016.


gem. mit Andre Zogoly (Hg.), alt narratives. cinematic communication of scientific research, Kunstuniversität Linz 2018; gem. mit Maximilian Anelli-Monti, „The Past and the Present merge to meet us here“, in: Mona Hermann und Elisa Schiller (Hg.), Gegenwartsbewältigung, Katalog der Galerie der HFBK, Hamburg 2016.

Univ.-Ass. MA Moritz Pisk

Univ.-Ass. MA Moritz Pisk, IFK_Junior Fellow im Studienjahr 2018/19 hat die Stelle eines Universitätsassistenten an der Abteilung für Kulturwissenschaft der Kunstuniversität Linz angetreten. Das IFK_Team gratuliert"

17 June 2019
  • Lecture
Moritz Pisk


Pop beinhaltet mehr als Musik und seine Seitentriebe, mehr als das kulturindustriell Verwertbare. Pop ist, nach Diedrich Diederichsen, ein dynamisches Konglomerat, das von allen Beteiligten stets neu arrangiert werden muss. Pop ist netzwerkartig, hybrid und oberflächlich; zirkulierend, nonkonform und allgegenwärtig; global, lokal und ungreifbar.
