
Scott Spector
ifk Senior Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. October 2001 bis 31. January 2002

Utopian Fantasies of Urban Violence and Sexual Identity in Fin de Siècle Vienna and Berlin


This project explores the cultural, scientific, and popular fascination with sexuality and violence around 1900 in central European metropolises. The emergence of modern paradigms of sexual and gender identities, the emancipation movements associated with them, and fantasies of sexual violence all play a role in this investigation. The ground to be covered includes high as well as popular culture including literature, philosophy, sexology, criminology, and sensationalist literature and newspaper reportage.


Associate Professor of German Studies and History, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)


Publications include Prague Territories: National Conflict and Cultural Innovation in Franz Kafka's Fin de Siècle (Berkeley/Los Angeles, University of California Press 2000); Edith Stein's Passing Gestures: Intimate Histories, Empathic Portraits, in: New German Critique 75 (Fall 1998); Was the Third Reich Movie-Made? Interdisciplinarity and the Reframing of 'Ideology', in: American Historical Review vol. 106, no. 2 (April 2001).