
Thomas Rohringer
ifk Junior Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. October 2017 bis 30. June 2018

The Moral Economy of Citizenship in WWI. The Reintegration of War-Disabled Veterans in the Habsburg Monarchy


This research project examines the every-day history (Alltagsgeschichte) of citizenship in the late Habsburg Monarchy and its successor states Austria and Czechoslovakia (1914-1924) by looking at measures for the reintegration of sick and disabled WWI veterans. In particular, this study focuses on the entanglement of the economization and moralization of war-disabled veterans in rehabilitation practices, as well as on the question of how their self-understanding is formed through interaction with state institutions in the process of negotiating their claims.    


From 2007-2013, Thomas Rohringer studied history at the University of Vienna. In his graduate thesis, he investigated the construction of maleness in Austrian organizations for war victims during the inter-war period by analyzing their publication organs. From 2011-2013, he served as a research assistant for the project “Beyond the Trenches. War Memories of German-speaking Soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Army on the Eastern Front of the First World War”, which was funded by the FWF and headed by Wolfram Dornik. In 2013, he went to Berlin for his doctorate at the International Max Planck Research School “Moral Economies of Modern Societies”, a cooperation between the TU Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development. Currently, Thomas Rohringer is IFK_Junior Fellow.


„Kriegsbeschädigte und Kriegsfolgenbewältigung“, in: Alfred Pfoser und Andreas Weigl (Hg.), Im Epizentrum des Zusammenbruchs. Wien im Ersten Weltkrieg, Wien 2013.

Arbeitsfreude und Selbstvertrauen. Die moralische Ökonomie der Re-Integration Kriegsbeschädigter in Cisleithanien (1914–1918)


Kürzlichst sind 2 Artikel von IFK_Junior Fellow Abroad Thomas Rohringer erschienen:

"Arbeitsfreude und Selbstvertrauen. Die moralische Ökonomie der Re-Integration Kriegsbeschädigter in Cisleithanien (1914–1918)", in: Frevert, Ute (Hg.): Moral Economies, Geschichte und Gesellschaft Sonderheft 26, 163-186.

Hg. gem. mit Peter Becker, Peter Collin und Timon de Groot, "Trust and National Belonging. Welfare for Disabled Veterans in Bohemia (1914‑1918)", in: Administory. Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschichte 3 (2018), 218-234.

30 October 2017
  • Lecture
Thomas Rohringer


Die Wiederherstellung der Erwerbsfähigkeit Kriegsinvalider während des Ersten Weltkriegs sollte diese nicht nur ökonomisch in die Gesellschaft reintegrieren, sondern auch emotional wieder in der staatlichen Gemeinschaft verankern und charakterlich zu Staatsbürgern erziehen. Die Praktiken verflochten daher Medizin, Wirtschaft und Moral.
