Dr.in Julia Boog-Kaminski

Dr.in Julia Boog-Kaminski has been at the ifk since November 2017. After studying literature, art history, Greek studies, and BWL (with a focus on museum management), she was a research assistant and lecturer at the University of Hamburg from 2009-2016. There she obtained her PhD with a thesis on «Witz der Differenz» (Könighausen & Neumann 2017) in intercultural literature. In addition to her academic work, she is a copywriter and editor for numerous journals and blogs (including FALL, DARE, SOCIALTECTURE, PAP-ILL-ON).

She is currently working on a post-doctoral thesis in the field of children and youth culture entitled: «Kinderfressen - Eine Urphantasie». This project reworks the centuries-long history of motifs of child-eating in children's and youth literature as well as in myths, legends, fairy tales, and the visual arts. In addition, it questions established paradigms of developmental research and psychoanalysis.