
Matthäus Leidenfrost
ifk Junior Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. October 2023 bis 30. June 2024

Myth and (Post)Modernity. A New Beginning?


This project addresses how the concept of myth has resurfaced in contemporary discourse as a means to challenge the rational consensus of modernity. It explores the notion of myth espoused by posthumanism—a decidedly postmodern and contemporary movement—and its relationship to 20th-century intellectual debates. The concept of myth appears to offer a means of formulating a critique of modernity and initiating the re-foundation of a postmodern project, as it represents a central concept of reflection. The study investigates how Donna Haraway and Rosi Braidotti affirmatively incorporate a concept of myth into their posthumanist theory, and what implications this has for their respective critical projects.


Matthäus Leidenfrost is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Religious Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in History and Philosophy from the University of Vienna and his Master’s degree in Religious Studies from the Freie Universität Berlin. His Master’s thesis focused on philosophical theories of myth, including the works of Hans Blumenberg.

17 June 2024
  • Lecture
Matthäus Leidenfrost

Brauchen Menschen Mythen? Die posthumane Aktualisierung einer alten Frage

In diesem Vortrag soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, woher die Vorstellung kommt, dass die Philosophie auf Mythen angewiesen sein könnte, und was das für den Posthumanismus als kritisches Unterfangen bedeutet.
