
Sarah Sander
ifk Research Fellow

Duration of fellowship
01. March 2022 bis 30. June 2022

Flight and Flightiness. On Media, Practices, and Dispositifs of the Art of Migration


This project investigates collaborative forms of flight and fleetingness based on contemporary artistic positions. To this end, it takes a look at the media-anthropological border crossings that result from the close entanglement of people and media on the run. »Media-anthropological border crossings« are understood here as the mutual transformation and formation of people and media, for people on the run are dependent on their mobile media, which are used not only as means of communication, as camera, navigation device, timetable, and photo album, but also for purposes of documentation and art production. People and media on the run thus lead equally precarious and existential coexistences, which become apparent in the form of data doubles, as well as in collaborative media practices and new perspectives in film and art. Such artistic practices and activist positions will be examined in the project in order to draw conclusions about the current state of Europe’s borders.


Sarah Sander is a media cultural scientist, who currently holds a postdoctoral position at the Institute for Theater, Film and Media Studies at the University of Vienna. After studying cultural studies, film studies, and gender studies in Berlin and Málaga, she earned her doctorate at the Bauhaus University Weimar and worked for many years as a research assistant at the University of Art and Design Linz. She has held research stays at New York University (2011), the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts in Boston (2012), and at archives in Hamburg and New York (2010–13). Her research interests range from spatial dispositifs, media practices, and subject techniques to maritime historiographies, archaeologies of globalization, postcolonial and queer theories. Her dissertation Precarious Passages. Media and Practices of Migration was awarded the 2020 Büchner Publishing Prize.


Prekäre Passagen. Medien und Praktiken der Migration, Berlin 2022 (im Erscheinen); gem. mit Julia Bee, Ulrike Bergemann, Linda Keck, Markus Stauff, Herbert Schwaab, Franzi Wagner, Fahrradutopien. Medien, Ästhetiken, Aktivismen, Lüneburg 2021 (im Erscheinen); gem. mit Karin Harrasser (Hg.), Laute Post. Weitererzählungen aus Kolumbien, Wien 2020.

The Next Big Thing: Vortrag von IFK_Fellow Sarah Sander

"Grenzverschiebungen. Aktivistisch-künstlerische Positionen zu Fluch und Flüchtigkeit". 

Sarah Sander, IFK_Research Fellow.

Campus Westend, I.G. Farben-Gebäude, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main.

20 June 2022
  • Lecture
Sarah Sander


Flucht und Flüchtigkeit hängen in ihrer medialen Fassung häufig zusammen: Während »tracks« beispielsweise die flüchtigen Spuren von Flucht meint, die in Grenzgebieten wie im Internet zu finden sind, bezeichnen »tracking« und »tracing« Medienpraktiken, die im Spannungsfeld von gouvernementalen Grenzdispositiven und kollaborativen Organisationsformen verortet sind.
