
Vortrag von Kenneth Marcus. »Composing About Concentration Camps. Hanns Eisler's "Deutsche Symphonie"«

Kenneth Marcus   A study of Austrian composer Hanns Eisler’s »Deutsche Sinfonie« can help us understand how European artists responded to the atrocities of WWII concentration camps. As a cultural historian, Kenneth Marcus places this interdisciplinary study in historical context to examine why Eisler created this work and the significance that this work has for human rights today.

Kenneth Marcus is Professor of History at the University of La Verne, where he teaches courses in European and American history, world history, and historiography. A cultural historian, he has written on such themes as exile and modernism, Los Angeles music history, African American music and dance, and early modern Germany. Currently he is Fulbright/IFK_Senior Fellow. Ein Vortragsmitschnitt vom 6.12.2021.